
Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.

Dr. Wernher von Braun, In an interview in the New York Times (16 December 1957), cited in a footnote on page 32 of “Work, Society, and Culture” by Yves Reni Marie Simon, and also in a footnote (in German) on page 360 of “Vita activa oder Vom taetigen Leben” by Hannah Arend (1981)


Please examine sub-pages to see basic descriptions of present and past research our research group performs. We are interested in flow regimes from creeping through hypersonic. We are especially interested in turbulent flows, but also consider laminar and transitional. Also, we have examined problems that are natural and man-made. We are always looking for new opportunities to answer difficult scientific questions for the benefit of the individual and society. Thank you.