A twenty year dream came true this December, 2023, as I traveled to Adelaide, Australia to view John Collier’s Priestess of Delphi (1891), the Oracle, or Pythia. I was able to view the painting for two days. I am not afraid to say that the experience was overwhelming, and I definately had tears in my eyes. I am not a religious person, but it was what I believe people experience when they have religious inspiration or revelation. People traveled all over the world to consult the Oracle. How is my journey different? Colors from my camera, and the gallery skylight cast a small glare, but helped illuminate canvas and brushtrokes. Overtime, the sun came and set, casting new reflections and colors, letting me see the painting in new ways. I took 500 high quality photographs of the painting with different light, angles, details, and far-away.
Artist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Collier_(painter)
Painting: https://www.agsa.sa.gov.au/collection-publications/collection/works/priestess-of-delphi/25000/
Thank you to the people and museum in AUS SA at the AGSA for the experience.