Invited Seminars

  • Miller, S. A. E., “Research Overview and Hypersonic Sonic Boom,” Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 12, 2023.
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Toward Analytical and Fully Parabolized Prediction of the Near-Field and Sonic Boom from Hypersonic Waveriders,” Los Alamos National Labs, Seminar, X, T, and XTD-PRI Primary Physics, Los Alamos, NM, Feb. 27, 2023.
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Toward Analytical and Fully Parabolic Prediction of the High-Speed Aerodynamic Near-Field and Sonic Boom with Global Perspective,” NASA Langley Research Center / AIAA, Keynote Presentation, Hampton, VA, NACA Room, Feb. 16, 2023.
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Prediction of Fine-Scale and Shock-Associated Noise from Turbulence,” University of Florida, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Tenure Seminar Presentation, Gainesville, FL, Aug. 26, 2021. [PDF][Youtube]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Life After NASA Langley at University of Florida an ‘R1’,” NASA Langley Research Center LAA, Feb. 9, 2021. [PDF][Youtube]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Why is a Supersonic Aircraft like a Tornado or Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk?,” University of Florida, Department of Mathematics, SIAM Seminar, November 18, 2020 and UF Aerospace Honors Society, Nov. 19, 2020. [PDF][Youtube]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “The Source of Combustion Thermo-Acoustic Instability and Noise,” Pennsylvania State University, Department of Aerospace Engineering, April 23, 2020.
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Fall 2019 Research Overview and Thermo-Acoustic Combustion Instability,” University of Florida, Department of Electrical Engineering, , August 30, 2019.
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Combustion Thermo-Acoustic Instability Source Statistics and Wave Propagation,” Air Force Research Laboratory, Aerospace Systems Directorate, Combustion Branch, Dayton, OH, July 30, 2019.
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Present and Upcoming Research Portfolio of the Theoretical Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence Group at the University of Florida,” Ohio State University, Department of Aerospace Engineering, The Simulation Innovation & Modeling Center, Columbus, OH, July 19, 2019.
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Preliminary Theory of Thermo-Acoustic Source Terms and Instability,” University of Cincinnati, Department of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, Cincinnati, OH, July 12, 2019.
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Research Overview of the University of Florida Theoretical Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence Group Research Program as of Summer 2019,” NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, Cleveland, OH, June 28, 2019.
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Introduction to CFD at the University of Florida: Class Development and Outcomes,” APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, DFD18-001729, Nov., 2018. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Aeroacoustics Research Overview with Emphasis on Turbochargers for Ford Motor Company,” Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, Oct 25, 2018. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E.,”An Introduction to the Theory of Predicting Noise from Turbulence with a Historical Perspective,” Invited Seminar at Various Locations, 2018. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Turbulent Statistics and Associated Acoustic Sources near Shock Wave Shear Layer Interactions,” ONR Code 35, Air Warfare and Weapons, Power and Propulsion Program Review, Ballston, Virginia, February 27-28, 2018. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “From Iron Towers to Ivory Towers: Transition to Inspire and be Inspired,”, University of Florida Engineering Week Closing Keynote Speech, 2017. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Prediction of Turbulent Boundary Layer Noise and Contemporary Challenges,” NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Hampton, VA, April 19th-20th, 2016. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Overview of Theoretical Aeroacoustics: Compiled Mathematical Derivations of Fereidoun ‘Feri’ Farassat,” NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Hampton, VA, April 19th-20th, 2016. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “The Cross-Spectral Acoustic Analogy: Application to Jets and Boundary Layers,” The University of Florida, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seminar Series, April 12th, 2016. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Toward Analytical Prediction of Acoustic Radiation from Isotropic Turbulence,” NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Cleveland, OH, October 21st-22nd, 2015. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Toward a Nonlinear Acoustic Analogy: Turbulence as a Source of Sound and Nonlinear Propagation,” NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Hampton, VA, April 21st-22nd, 2015. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “The Cross-Spectral Acoustic Analogy: Theory and Prediction of Near-Field Jet Cross-Spectra,” NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Cleveland, OH, October 15th-16th, 2014. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Cross-Spectra of Jet Mixing and Shock-Associated Noise, and Jet Structure Interaction Noise,” The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Airbus Group Technical Exchange, October 3rd, 2014. [Compressed PDF] [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E. and Smith, M. J., “A Prediction Method for Jet Noise Scattering due to Airframe Bodies and its Validation with Measurement”, NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Hampton, VA, April 15th-16th, 2014. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “The Scaling of Broadband Shock-Associated Noise with Increasing Temperature,” NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Cleveland, OH, April 23rd-24th, 2013. [PDF]
  • Smith, M. J., Fuller, C. R., and Miller, S. A. E., “A Numerical Investigation of Surface Effects on the Aerodynamics and Acoustics of Jet Flows,” NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Cleveland, OH, April 23rd-24th, 2013. [PDF]
  • Palumbo, D. and Miller, S. A. E., “Characterization of Jet Induced Sidewall Pressures,” NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Hampton, VA, October 23rd-25th, 2012. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Jet Noise Ground Effects,” NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Cleveland, OH, April 11th-12th, 2012. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “Towards a Comprehensive Acoustic Analogy for Jet Noise Prediction,” The Ohio State University Aerospace Seminar Series, November 21st, 2011. [PDF]
  • Miller, S. A. E., “An Overview of a Comprehensive Model for the Prediction of Jet Noise (RISN),” NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, Hampton, VA., October 18th-19th, 2011. [PDF]