Note – I am no longer a professor at University of Florida. I will update this page if I am looking for external students in the future.
Potential Graduate Students
Thank you very much for your interest regarding undergraduate or graduate studies within my research group at the University of Florida (UF) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE). Generally, I discuss specific opportunities with students who have applied and are admitted to our program. I also discuss potential opportunities with students who have not applied. I encourage you to apply to our program. Within your statement of interest please mention my group, mention myself, and describe what research you wish to conduct. Here are some important points regarding joining my research group:
- You’re responsible for meeting UF and MAE admission requirements. You’re also responsible for knowing what they are. I suggest examining the UF MAE website carefully for these requirements. We have a whole team of excellent people to assist you with this process. Please take initiative and reach out to them.
- Please apply for admission and submit a full application. Note that admission through UF MAE does not guarantee funding for your Ph.D. or M.S. within my research group. It is up to the advisor (myself) regarding which students are funded when admitted. There are departmental fellowships that facilitate funding. Students who receive graduate student fellowships are very welcome to discuss opportunities with me.
- Typically M.S. students are self-funded at UF MAE. I examine self-funded M.S. students (who are presently at UF MAE and conducting a research thesis) carefully as prospective Ph.D. students. I am also happy to advise funded or self-funded M.S. students through their M.S. thesis.
- To be admitted for a Ph.D. with funding within my group requires exceptional qualifications and academic preparation. Note that research assistants (funding) for Ph.D. or M.S. students comes from highly competitive external grants. You might be temporary supported by a teaching assistantship while you seek an advisor or work on a trial period (volunteer) for myself. Exceptional students will be funded immediately if a research grant is available.
- I prefer to discuss research opportunities with students who are currently within their M.S. or new Ph.D. studies and physically located at UF MAE. I discuss opportunities with exceptional students who have not yet been admitted or not yet present at UF.
- A trial research period may be conducted where we seek mutual interest in funded (for Ph.D.) or unfunded (for M.S.) projects. During this time I will assess your creativity, work ethic, writing, and research abilities. After a semester of the trial period we will decide if our mutual research interests are the same. If you are a great researcher and if funding is aligned with your interests then you will be offered a research assistantship.
- Typically, students who have research experience in fluids, mathematics, turbulence, or aeroacoustics with a research based M.S. are the best candidates for Ph.D assistantships. My personal preference is for a research based M.S. to be completed before entering the Ph.D. program, though this is not a requirement.
Undergraduate Researchers – Volunteer or Paid
I occasionally take on paid (OPS) undergraduate researchers and more often take on short-term volunteer undergraduate researchers. Almost everyone starts as a volunteer. This way I can assess the undergraduate student’s abilities in terms of research, dedication, tenacity, mathematical ability, and creativity. To apply for an undergraduate research position please email me the following:
- Resume or CV
- Current unofficial university transcript
- University of Florida ID# (if you have one)
- A technical writing sample
- Your professional goals – eg PhD, MS, or BS terminal degree goal, what you want to do with your degree, where you want to work one day
- Your GRE score (if you have one)
- When you are planning to graduate with your current degree and if you’re going to graduate school when you are planning to start.
- A statement that you are or are not a 1. US citizen., 2. Florida citizen., 3. Do not have a criminal record of any kind. I do hire foreign nationals but must know your status.