Research Group Photo – Dinner beginning of fall 2024.Research group at AIAA SciTech 2024.My students at summer Ph.D. graduation 2022.My students at summer Ph.D. graduation 2022.
Research groups visiting the Florida Fluids Symbosium, May 2022.
Research group dinner December 2021.
Miller and PhD Students, May 2019.
Dr. Miller showing class the NSE.
Prof. Miller in the NASA GRC Supersonic Tunnel
Tianshu Zhang, 2019.
Trushant Patel, 2019
Wei Wang, Ph.D. Candidate as of 2018.
Weiqi Shen, Ph.D. Candidate as of 2018.
Dr. Miller congratulating some undergraduate MAE students at The University of Florida’s Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering’s department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Spring Awards Banquet.
Prof. Miller by the resting site of Prof. P. A. M. Dirac.