A delightful Grove in which the Birds are heard to fung, and feen flying up and down among the Trees.
Charming Birds thus fweetly finging,
Zephyrs, every Odour bringing,
All ye Beauties of the Grove,
Teach me how to find my Love.
Charming Birds, of $a$.
Come my ador’d and blefs me with thy Prefence.
Enter Rinaldo.
Rin. Charm’d by the Magick of thofe pow’rful Lips, My hurrying Soul flies outward to thy Call; I’m not prophane; but if I kneel to Thee, My Idol’s Brightnefs will my Guilt attone;Ch’ in me vie pikik s’ accende,
Da’ twoi bei Lumi, O CarA,
Prende il gran Fuoco ad avanaparmi’ l Core.
Alm. Bella Stella d’Amore
Nelle Pupille tue Folgora il lume.
Rin. Per te Sola, O mio Nume,
Ardon le Faci mie, fumang g l Incenf?
Di fervidi Sof piri.
Alm. Tú Jolo a’ miei Martiri
Porgi placida Calma.
Kin. In te vive il mio Cor, fi ferugge 1 Alma.
Alm. Scherzanp ful tuo Volto
Le Grazie vezzofette;
Rin. Ridono ful tho Labbro
I pargoleti Amori;
Tutti due.
A mille, a mille.
Nel bel Fuoco di guel Guardo,
Amor giunge al forte Dardo
Care Faville.
A mille, c.