Author Archives: saemiller
Silicon Graphics Tech. Advice This amazing website contains lots of great technical information on SGI. Many of my students have no idea what SGI is, which is unfortunate, but a quick Wikipedia read is just a Google search away. I grew up with some SGI machines, where I remember running some of my first CFD codes on late …
Nobody knows what the energy of the future will be but it will involve combustion.
UIUC Applied Aerodynamics Group The UIUC has an amazing airfoil database containing coordinates and other quick aerodynamic information.
On Teaching Philosophy
You asked me how should I best teach them. Should I teach them from the point of view of the history of science the applications? My theory is that the best way to teach is to have no philosophy. We must be chaotic and confuse them in the sense that you use every possible way …
Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov – A Digital Tribute The great Academacian Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov, who pioneered turbulence theory and started the Russian school, has fans overseas (big surprise!). I always wanted to create a website with a collection of his pictures, portraits, important articles, and anything else I could find online or off. Someone of course beat me to it! A recommended …
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LibriVox – Free Open Audio Books Many people have kindly volunteered to create their own ‘books on tape,’ much like those we heard as children from our local library. Though tape is gone, we can now hear free digital ones from anywhere in the world. There are some good readers of traditional texts. Most are fictional, and worth listening to …
HiFiLES High Fidelity Large Eddy Simulation My students and myself were impressed with the Stanford University release of HiFiLES, a large-eddy simulation solver for turbulent flows. We were able to use it successfully in our Office of Naval Research Grant. In fact, our modifications were released for free with an in-built acoustics solver. These codes are free of charge to …
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Edward Burra Interview
The BBC, a long time ago, published an interview with the great British artist Edward Burra. I have always loved his paintings of the Spanish civil war and its aftermath, his adventures in Paris and Parisian culture, and his lamentation of the destruction of the English country side. Most of his paintings are housed …
Eugene B. Dynkin Collection of Mathematics
Cornell has published a series of Mathematical Biographies of a number of famous mathematicians. When I do history portions of my classes I have often referred here. It is worth a scroll for your favorites. Check out Krylov for instance.