Framework for Analytical Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations for Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problems in the Aerodynamic Near-Field

Abstract: A framework to create new specific analytical solutions of the equations of motion for hyperbolic boundary value problems is presented. The method relies on a closed-form integral equation for mass density, involving a term that combines sources, geometry, ambient values, and radiation. Products of the density integral result in new more complicated solutions. The …

Hypersonics History of Reentry

Lately, I have been examining the entire history of hypersonics research and technology, with a particular focus on the re-entry problem and ablation for small vehicles, such as those from ballistic missiles. While reviewing the writings of Wernher von Braun, I was amused to find that he joked about using frozen balsa wood as a …

AIAA Journal – Fully Parabolized Hypersonic Sonic Boom Prediction with Real Gas and Viscous Effects Abstract: We present a methodology to predict the aerodynamic near-field and sonic boom signature from slender bodies and waveriders using a fully parabolized approach. We solve the parabolized Navier–Stokes equations, which are integrated via spatial marching in the streamwise direction. We find that unique physics must be accounted for in the hypersonic regime relative …

AIAA SciTech 2024 – Parametric Study of the Hypersonic Near-Field and Sonic Boom from Waveriders using a Fully-Parabolized Approach

Citation: King, C. B., Shepard, C. T., and Miller, S. A. E., “Parametric Study of the Hypersonic Near-Field and Sonic Boom from Waveriders using a Fully-Parabolized Approach,” AIAA SciTech, Orlando, FL, Jan. 8-12, AIAA 2024-2106, 2024. DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-2106 Abstract: A parametric study is performed to understand the relationship between volume displace- ment, lift, near-field signature, …

Analytical Closed-Form Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations for the Aerodynamic Near-field and Sonic Boom from Axisymmetric Bodies

I completed my Acoustical Society work and returned to the United States. Abstract: An analytical closed-form solution is presented for the aerodynamic near-field and ground signature from an axisymmetric body with a low thickness ratio. The Navier-Stokes equations are formulated as a boundary value problem that incorporates the incoming ambient flow-field and the aerodynamic properties …

DARPA Director’s Fellow

I am very fortunate to be awared the 2023-2024 DARPA Director’s Fellowship. The linked article from my department is at the following link: The article text is below Associate Professor Steven A. E. Miller, Ph.D., is awarded the Director’s Fellowship from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for 2023-2024. The award recognizes technical …

AIAA Paper: Fully-Parabolized Prediction of Hypersonic Sonic Boom

Abstract: Hypersonic flight-vehicles create shock and expansion waves that propagate through the atmosphere and are observed on the ground as sonic booms. We present a methodology to predict the near-field aerodynamic pressure and sonic boom signature using approximately 1% of the computational cost relative to fully-nonlinear computational fluid dynamics and state-ofthe-art sonic boom propagation solvers. …

APS Presentation – Alternative Analytical Solution for Planar Oblique Shock Waves

Abstract: One now famous analytical solution for shock waves was developed by Dr. Theodore Meyer within his Ph.D. dissertation under advisement of Professor Ludwig Prandtl. The original solution relies on analysis via control volume of the equations of motion. This approach has limited future development of analytical solutions for more complex flow-fields. In this presentation, …