Abstract: We present a methodology to predict the aerodynamic near-field and sonic boom signature from slender bodies and waveriders using a fully parabolized approach. We solve the parabolized Navier–Stokes equations, which are integrated via spatial marching in the streamwise direction. We find that unique physics must be accounted for in the hypersonic regime relative …
Category Archives: Hypersonics
AIAA SciTech 2024 – Parametric Study of the Hypersonic Near-Field and Sonic Boom from Waveriders using a Fully-Parabolized Approach
Citation: King, C. B., Shepard, C. T., and Miller, S. A. E., “Parametric Study of the Hypersonic Near-Field and Sonic Boom from Waveriders using a Fully-Parabolized Approach,” AIAA SciTech, Orlando, FL, Jan. 8-12, AIAA 2024-2106, 2024. DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-2106 Abstract: A parametric study is performed to understand the relationship between volume displace- ment, lift, near-field signature, …
Analytical Closed-Form Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations for the Aerodynamic Near-field and Sonic Boom from Axisymmetric Bodies
I completed my Acoustical Society work and returned to the United States. Abstract: An analytical closed-form solution is presented for the aerodynamic near-field and ground signature from an axisymmetric body with a low thickness ratio. The Navier-Stokes equations are formulated as a boundary value problem that incorporates the incoming ambient flow-field and the aerodynamic properties …
DARPA Director’s Fellow
I am very fortunate to be awared the 2023-2024 DARPA Director’s Fellowship. The linked article from my department is at the following link: The article text is below Associate Professor Steven A. E. Miller, Ph.D., is awarded the Director’s Fellowship from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for 2023-2024. The award recognizes technical …
AIAA Paper: Fully-Parabolized Prediction of Hypersonic Sonic Boom
Abstract: Hypersonic flight-vehicles create shock and expansion waves that propagate through the atmosphere and are observed on the ground as sonic booms. We present a methodology to predict the near-field aerodynamic pressure and sonic boom signature using approximately 1% of the computational cost relative to fully-nonlinear computational fluid dynamics and state-ofthe-art sonic boom propagation solvers. …
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AIAA SciTech 2023
This year, some of my students and collaborators are going to the AIAA SciTech conference in the DC area in the National Harbor, MD. We are presenting two particular papers. The first involves hypersonic flow-fields and the second involves acoustics and aerodynamic experiments. The citations, papers, and presentations are:
APS Presentation – Alternative Analytical Solution for Planar Oblique Shock Waves
Abstract: One now famous analytical solution for shock waves was developed by Dr. Theodore Meyer within his Ph.D. dissertation under advisement of Professor Ludwig Prandtl. The original solution relies on analysis via control volume of the equations of motion. This approach has limited future development of analytical solutions for more complex flow-fields. In this presentation, …
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On Living In An Atomic Age, Lewis
In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. ‘How are we to live in an atomic age?’ I am tempted to reply: ‘Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking …
On the On-Set of Hypersonics
Almost everyone has their own definition of the term hypersonic. If we were to conduct something like a public opinion poll among those present, and asked everyone to name a Mach number above which the flow of a gas should properly be described as hypersonic there would be a majority of answers round about 5 …