On Large-Scale HPC from Viewpoint of Cebeci

One other aspect should be mentioned. When the program was transferred to El Segundo from Santa Monica, I naturally duplicated some runs. The printout was eight-decimal places, I believe. For a number of steps the new and old tab sheets would check exactly. But then after a while there would be a gradual drift; first …

Standard k-Epsilon Model

In the last few years a number of models of turbulent heat and momentum transport have been developed in which the effective transport coefficients are related to local values of certain turbulent correlations; these correlations are computed simultaneously with the mean field variables. Models of this kind achieve significantly greater breadth of applicability than do …

Paul Richard Heinrich Blasius

At Easter 1902 I had sat my final college examination, and was now studying mathematics. This was not simple for me: Although one can see what follows from certain algebraic manipulations, why would this be done? “By mathematics, you are convicted, instead of convinced”, according to the philosopher Schopenhauer. After some time, I realized that, …

Foundations of Turbulence

The mathematical formulation of the problem of homogeneous turbulence is this: Given an infinite body of uniform fluid in which motions conform to the equations and, and given that at some initial instant the velocity of the fluid is a random function of position described by certain probability laws which are independent of position, to …