“Mythologists and experimental theologians are needed for the development of a new method of attack” Telegram to Meyer while in trenches after recovery which was mistranslated from “Meteorologists and experimental physicists,” where Meyer then traveled and met Fritz Haber (german gas warfar pioneer)
Category Archives: Quotes
Prandtl and Meyer
It would be difficult to create the right mood under the present circumstances, but perhaps by accident another beautiful differential equation will come along again, as it once did when I worked with you. Letter from Meyer to Prandtl, May 5, 1918. Ref. no. GOAR:2647, DLR-Gottingen Archives
On Lift
It’s easy to explain how a rocket works, but explaining how a wing works takes a rocket scientist Philippe Spalart, Boeing Technical Fellow
Mach Experiment
Would you like to know the best possible method for solving a Syzygy problem? It is this. Having ascertained from your doctor that you are in a state of health to bear, without risk, severe brainwork and keen intellectual excitement, from the most candid of your intimate friends that you are in a pleasant temper, …
On the On-Set of Hypersonics
Almost everyone has their own definition of the term hypersonic. If we were to conduct something like a public opinion poll among those present, and asked everyone to name a Mach number above which the flow of a gas should properly be described as hypersonic there would be a majority of answers round about 5 …
On Gasdynamics
The information needed by design engineers of either aircraft or flow machinery is the pressure, the shearing stress, the temperature, and the heat flux vector imposed by the moving fluid over the surface of a specified solid body or bodies in a fluid stream of specified conditions. To supply this information is the main purpose …
On Aerodynamics
The whole problem of aerodynamics, both subsonic and supersonic, may be summed up in one sentence: Aerodynamics is the science of slowing-down the air without loss, after it has once been accelerated by any device, such as a wing or a wind tunnel. It is thus good aerodynamic practice to avoid accelerating the air more …
We have a responsibility to be more ethical than the society in which we exist.
On Large-Scale HPC from Viewpoint of Cebeci
One other aspect should be mentioned. When the program was transferred to El Segundo from Santa Monica, I naturally duplicated some runs. The printout was eight-decimal places, I believe. For a number of steps the new and old tab sheets would check exactly. But then after a while there would be a gradual drift; first …
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